2-3 December

5th OECD/USP2030 Social Protection Policy Dialogue:
The Role of Social Protection in the Fight Against Hunger and Poverty
Join this dialogue among policy makers, leading researchers and international practitioners to explore how social protection programmes can improve child nutrition, support smallholder farmers, and mitigate the risks of environmental shocks for people living in fragile situations. For more information click here or click here to register.
Deadline: 29th November

Endorse the Joint Civil Society Statement urging countries to extend their social security systems
In the 2024/2025 budget, the Government of Mauritius announced the continuation of its Universal Child Benefit (UCB) the Contribution Sociale Généralisée (CSG) Child Allowance for another year, increasing the monthly payment for children 0-3 from MUR 2,000 to MUR 2,500. Today, 12 low-and middle-income countries have established Universal Child Benefit (UCBs) schemes. In these countries, UCBs have proven to be an important investment in children’s well-being and development. For example, in the Cook Islands, the UCB has significantly improved children’s access to education and increased household consumption by 3.5 per cent. Initially only for ages 0-6, it now covers children up to 16. USP2030 members and others wanting to endorse the joint statement can contact the USP2030 secretariat for further information.

The transformative potential of expanding the coverage of child benefits to eliminate child poverty. A side event launching the Global Child Benefits Tracker
14 February, 2024 | 13:15-14:30 Eastern Time
Conference Room 11, UNHQ, New York
Or online
Webinar number: 2343 658 0587
Webinar password: CSocD62_14Feb#24

USP2030 Day at COP28
09 DECember 2023
The following 2 events were co-organized by members of the USP2030 Working Group on SP & Climate Change:
- Loss and Damage: Reaching children and other vulnerable groups with inclusive and adaptive SP as a crucial response to the climate crisis. UNICEF Pavilion, 10am – 11:30am.
- Building social protection systems to support a Just Transition. Just Transition Pavilion (ILO, EC, ITUC, IOE), 2pm to 2:50pm.

OECD & USP2030 4th policy dialogue on social protection & development
Ageing in Context of Large Labour Market Informality: How Can Social Protection Take up the Challenge?
07 & 08 november 2022, 13:00 – 16:30 cet
This event will bring together government representatives and development partners to exchange experiences around key topics of actuality: Lessons learnt from the expansion of social pensions and contributory pensions to those in the informal economy (Day 1); Addressing gender inequalities in old age; Meeting the care and support needs of older persons and persons with disabilities (Day 2). Click here for the agenda.
Register through the following links: Day 1 (December 7) ; Day 2 (December 8).

USP2030 & Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection for Just Transitions
Technical & Strategy Workshop
27 & 28 September 2023, 14:00-15:30 CEST
This event will reflect on how USP2030 and the Global Accelerator can jointly contribute to the objective of extending USP, and determine key strategic orientations for the positioning and role of USP2030 in relation to the structure of the Global Accelerator.
More information on the outcomes of the workshop here.

USP2030 & SPPFM Technical Exchange on Extension of Coverage to Workers in the Informal Economy
Wednesday 19 & Thursday 20 April, 2023, from 13.00 to 14.30 CEST
This event, co-organized with the Social Protection & Public Finance Management Programme (SPPFM), brought together SPPFM and USP2030 members, experts and practitioners to share experiences and lessons learnt on the extension of coverage to those in the informal economy in Africa, Asia and South America.
USP2030 Working Group on Social Protection and Food Systems Transformation Workshop and Policy and Academic Dialogue
workshop: 29 & 30 march 2023, 9:00 – 17:00 EsT
DIALOGUE: 31 march 2023, 10:00 – 15:30 EsT
Washington, D.C.
22 march 2023, 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM CET
The 4th Membership Assembly of the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (USP2030) took place on Wednesday 22nd of March 2023, from 15:00 to 18.00 CET, at the John Knox International Centre in Geneva and online

high-level conference on Advancing the Social Protection Agenda in Eastern Africa
9 march 2023, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM EAT
This conference aims to discuss the steps to achieve social protection in Eastern African countries. To this end, the event will connect stakeholders across the region to jointly discuss challenges and solutions, to reflect on the Learning Journey that took place throughout 2022 in the region and to learn about specific commitments of countries that participated. Find more information and register here in English or in French!

Interoperatibility in action workshop #3: social protection information systems interacting with id systems
21 february 2023, 12:00 – 14:00 GMT
Interoperability in Action is a workshop series organised by the USP2030 Digital Convergence Initiative to discuss and demonstrate interoperability in the social protection sector. This Third workshop will discuss some use cases of interoperability between Identification Systems and SP-MIS systems, and demonstrate the integration of SP-MIS with MOSIP ID Solution, highlighting the value of interoperability for delivering social protection programs. Access the Agenda and registration link here.

CSocD61 side event on enhancing linkages between universal social protection and employment for decent work
10 february 2023, 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM EDT
USP2030 is hosting a side event to the 61st Session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD) on the theme: “Enhancing linkages between universal social protection and employment for decent work”. You will find more information here..
OECD & USP2030 policy dialogue on social protection & development, 29 & 30 november 2022, 13:00 – 16:30 cet
This policy dialogue brought together government representatives and development partners to exchange experiences around key topics of actuality: Social protection and the food and energy crisis; Social protection and environmental degradation and climate shocks (Day 1); The role of targeting and universalism; Social protection, jobs and sustainable livelihoods (Day 2).
View the recording : Day 1; Day 2. or access the summary in English and French.
In line with USP2030’s mission to accelerate progress towards achieving SDG 1.3, this conference advocated for extending universal social protection in Eastern African countries and connected stakeholders across the region to jointly discuss challenges and lessons learnt.
View the recording here.
3rd MEMBERSHIP ASSEMBLY, 29 March 2022, 14:00 – 17:00 CEST
USP2030 members and invited observers joined the 3rd USP2030 Membership Assembly on 29 March 2022 (2-5 pm CEST/8-11 am ET) under the topic From crisis to recovery – Lessons learnt for achieving USP by 2030. The Membership Assembly was opportunity to hear from our working groups, engage in a strategic discussion with all USP2030 members, and plan the next steps for the partnership. The detailed agenda is available here.
2ND MEMBERSHIP ASSEMBLY, 2 MARCH 2021, 13:00 – 17:00 UCT
Welcome & introduction: The five USP2030 Actions in the context of COVID-19 crisis responses, recovery, and beyond
Panel discussion: Sustainable, adequate and innovative sources of financing for universal and adaptive social protection
Panel discussion: Social protection delivery systems: Using digital technology, protecting human rights and developing standardized solutions