USP2030 Blog
(Re)claiming the Right to Social Security
In April 2023, a technical exchange brought together experts and practitioners to share experiences and lessons learned from the extension of social protection to workers in the informal economy.
Co-organized by the Global Partnership to achieve universal social protection (USP2030) and the EU funded Social Protection and Public Finance Management (SP&PFM) Programme, the event showcased country experiences on extension strategies to lift barriers to coverage. Discussions highlighted the need to promote transitions to formality, in alignment with key principles of solidarity and collective financing.
Exploring a fairer and more inclusive social protection paradigm for the world’s informal workers
Child benefits are literally a life saver and game changer for children. They can make the difference between a healthy, happy and long life or one punctuated by ill health, stress and unrealised potential, especially in times of crisis. They are indispensable for child wellbeing and economically dynamic societies.
Yet most children miss out on them. Today, three-quarters of the world’s children – 1.77 billion aged 0–18 years – lack access to child benefits. This is simply unacceptable.
When spending too little costs so much: The urgent need to invest in universal social protection for children
Child benefits are literally a life saver and game changer for children. They can make the difference between a healthy, happy and long life or one punctuated by ill health, stress and unrealised potential, especially in times of crisis. They are indispensable for child wellbeing and economically dynamic societies.
Yet most children miss out on them. Today, three-quarters of the world’s children – 1.77 billion aged 0–18 years – lack access to child benefits. This is simply unacceptable.
Covering the informal economy to achieve universal social protection
In April 2023, a technical exchange brought together experts and practitioners to share experiences and lessons learned from the extension of social protection to workers in the informal economy.
Co-organized by the Global Partnership to achieve universal social protection (USP2030) and the EU funded Social Protection and Public Finance Management (SP&PFM) Programme, the event showcased country experiences on extension strategies to lift barriers to coverage. Discussions highlighted the need to promote transitions to formality, in alignment with key principles of solidarity and collective financing.
From crisis to recovery: Lessons learnt for achieving USP by 2030
Author: USP2030 Secretariat | Date 01 January 2022.
members of the Global Partnership for Universal Social Protection to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (USP2030) and interested partners gathered for the third annual USP2030 Membership Assembly. As a worldwide alliance that brings together governments, international and regional organizations, social partners and civil society organizations, these assemblies provide an important opportunity to jointly reflect on key developments related to social protection and USP2030 in the past year, and what they mean for the partnership’s future work.
Does climate change require us to rethink social protection?
Climate change is already impacting the lives of people worldwide, and its effects will pose a severe threat to the achievement of sustainable development objectives going forward, as the latest IPCC report highlights. This has significant implications for poverty reduction, inequality and other social protection outcomes. Social protection systems will therefore have to systematically take into account climate change, including potential contributions to climate change mitigation, adaptation and risk management.
All systems go! The need for linkages between food and social protection systems
Food systems are under strain. One-tenth of the world’s population is undernourished and food needs are expected to nearly double by 2050. Africa and South Asia could experience a decrease in mean grain yields by up to 17 percent over the same period, which will further increase the level of hungry and poor people.
Financing universal social protection systems: An urgent priority for inclusive and sustainable recovery
Today, we are in the midst of a dangerous two-speed recovery — the ‘’great divergence’’ as Ms. Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, refers to it — which risks pushing many developing countries further behind advanced economies, and scarring the lives of millions of unprotected workers and their families, women, and children.
Let’s accelerate digital convergence for social protection now!
How can social protection systems effectively identify and support those in need? The answer involves a complex interplay of different programmes, delivery mechanisms and information systems.
Global Disability Summit Side Event on Social Protection: Working together towards inclusive social protection
On 17th February 2022, during the second Global Disability Summit, a group of UN agencies, development agencies, DPOs and NGOs organized a side event to take stock of key achievements since the last Summit in 2018 and discuss the way forward to leverage social protection systems better for the inclusion of people with disability.